You can use these HTML tags inside your comments:
Tag | Description |
<b> or <strong> | Bold text or Strong Emphasis |
<i> or <em> | Italicised text or Emphasis |
<u> | Underlined text |
<strike> | Strikethrough text |
<sub> | Subscript |
<sup> | Superscript |
<code> | Preformatted |
<p> | Paragraph |
<br> | Line break |
Tag | Description |
<a href="..." title="..."> | Anchor (hyperlink) |
<abbr title="..."> | Define an abbreviation |
<acronym title="..."> | Define an acronym |
<q cite="..."> | Short quotation (inline quote) |
<blockquote cite="..."> | Block quotation (large text block) |
<cite> | Define a citation |
| Text with deleted part |
<ins datetime="..." cite="..."> | Text with inserted part |
Tag | Description |
| Unordered list |
<ol> | Ordered list |
<li> | List item (bullet/number) |
| Definition list |
<dt> | Definition term |
<dd> | Definition description |