About Kartik

Kartik Visweswaran
Kartik Visweswaran

This is the personal blogging website of Kartik Visweswaran. I am currently located in Bangalore, India. I use this weblog  to express my personal views on random events in life or experiences from travels. Professionally, I am with the information technology industry since 1996. I have a great interest on technology products and gadgets and staying up to date with upcoming technology trends. Therefore, I also share my experiences in the technology space and pen down reviews on technology themes. Academically, I hold an engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and an MBA degree in eBusiness from the University of Phoenix, Arizona.

At work, I focus on IT consulting and managing enterprise applications (details at my LinkedIn profile). I do love to travel with family as well, whenever I get time. At other times, when not at work, one of my favorite part time hobbies is to study various technologies and create and program/code new applications. My various participation and contributions to the open source community are as a result of this interest. Few of these can be checked out at my Yii Framework Extensions and JQuery Plugins.

Other important site information as you traverse about this weblog:

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  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Linked In
The views expressed in this blog are my own personal views and have no relation to my work or profession.